The United States State Department has approved a potential sale to the Government of Norway. The proposed sale includes acquiring Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB-II) and related equipment, with an estimated cost of $293m.

The Government of Norway has requested up to 580 GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bombs-Increment II All-Up-Rounds (AUR) to be added to a previously implemented case. The original case, valued at $18.9m, involved 20 GBU-53/B SDB-II AURs. Both sales cover a total of up to 600 GBU-53/B SDB-II AURs.

The proposed sale includes trainers, support and equipment, software delivery, spare parts, consumables, accessories, modifications and maintenance, transportation, publications, documentation, training, and other related logistical and program support elements. The estimated total cost of the proposed sale is $293m.

The acquisition of Small Diameter Bomb II and related equipment will improve Norway’s capacity to address present and future threats. The modernized weapon system will bolster operational readiness and enhance air and defence capabilities, specifically supporting Norway’s new F-35A fleet. Norway can easily absorb the equipment and services into its armed forces.

Kongsberg recently announced that they are building a new F-35 Lightning II depot JSF in Norway to service the F-35 fleet, with an investment estimated at NKr500m ($46.6m), scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2025.

The Small Diameter Bomb II can also be used on other aircraft. In 2020, the US Air Force confirmed that Small Diameter Bomb II was approved for operational use on the F-15E Strike Eagle operational flights.

Raytheon Missile Systems, based in Tucson, AZ, will be the principal contractor for this potential sale. There are no known offset agreements associated with this transaction.