
Sky Power GmbH has revealed its engine and product concept ahead of Xponential 2018.

Karl Schudt, managing director of Sky Power GmbH, explains the company’s goals.

You introduced a whole series of new products in April. Can you explain Sky Power’s product and service concept?

Karl Schudt (KS): Sky Power sees itself as a service provider for 3W-International GmbH. We develop technical designs on contract in order to optimise existing 3W-International engines to customers’ wishes. In the process, we generate solutions such as the ECU030 or the high-performance HKZ 215 ignition, which can also be used for other engines from 3W-International. Furthermore, we’re the production service provider for 3W-International GmbH. We’re located in the greater Frankfurt area.

Besides the hardware, you’ve also developed an engine construction kit, which is also being introduced at the fair.

KS: That’s right. The engine kit contains all of the components needed for an engine in order to adapt it to the most varied applications. Thanks the construction-kit principle, we can quickly and graphically illustrate to the customer the components of which his future engine will consist. An adaptation of the engine to the application area can thus be quickly visualised. We’re convinced that an efficient, sustainable engine application can only come through application-specific engine designs. 3W-International’s basic engine always stands at the centre here. We illustrate the overall principle on the new SP-110 FI TS engine.

Can you identify the differences to 3W-Intentional’s basic engine?

KS: The Sky Power engines are all equipped with twin sparks as well as with the ECU030 or the high-performance HKZ 215 ignition. Moreover, the SP-110 FI TS possesses a newly developed injection. For these, we need a lot of data to adapt the engine to the environment. This happens via the ECU. Furthermore, we achieve better fuel combustion with the HKZ 2015. All in all, it’s possible to say that we’re achieving a massive reduction in fuel consumption through these measures.

Will further engines follow this development?

KS: Of course. We’re introducing the SP-55 TS and the SP-210 HF FI TS at the Xponential trade fair. The latter will be the first re-engineered Heavy Fuel engine that Sky Power offers. A development pipeline is already available for the post-fair period, and the first customer projects are also scheduled into the development. Furthermore, we’re also continuing to expanding the Wankel-engine portfolio together with 3W-International. So we’re showing a prototype of the 2-disc hybrid Wankel engine SP-480 SRE, which with 70 HP will become the most power engine in the 3W-International/Sky Power product range.