
Gladstone Aerospace Corporation (GAC) leverages its aerospace expertise and experience to provide a unique blend of consulting services that meets client business development, project management, and business planning needs. GAC also provides a capability to bridge knowledge gaps in the aerospace and defence markets in Canada, the US and abroad.

Aerospace consulting services

GAC was established in November of 2005 to leverage the strengths and experience of its principal, Keith Gladstone, and his extensive connections throughout the aerospace and simulation community in industry, academia and government. During this time, GAC has provided consulting services to clients, big and small, in government, academia and industry.

At the outset, GAC became known for helping clients develop new aerospace technologies and operational capabilities, growth strategies and partnerships. GAC now features a team of proven, trusted industry consultants offering, varied and extensive experience in civil and military aerospace as well as in the defence domain.

With our extensive experience, expertise and network, Gladstone Aerospace remains uniquely positioned to high-value consulting services to clients. We are able to effectively and efficiently guide customers towards pragmatic solutions that are custom designed to their needs, resources and capabilities.

Consulting services in the aerospace and defence markets.
The Synthetic Mission Trainer (SMT) for instruction on day and NVG scenarios.
Realistic learning with the Synthetic Mission Trainer (SMT).
Development of the NVIO™ on-line night vision computer-based training program.
Conducting simulator evaluations.
Development of client equipment acquisition, training and flight programs.
iPad software development to streamline inflight helicopter operations.
Human factors evaluation – helicopter offshore operations.
Night vision simulation training for aft crew members.

Products and services to bridge capability gaps

Since its inception in 2005, GAC has ‘made vision happen’ by providing business services that helped companies bridge the gap between potential and delivering a capability. Based on decades of experience working within the military and aerospace domains in Canada, GAC can provide you with access to markets, clients, experience and knowledge.

GAC offers a range of consulting services in the aerospace, defence and security (ADS) markets to help clients in Canada and abroad realize their goals:

  • Business development and planning
  • Business processes
  • Risk management
  • Proposal writing
  • Marketing
  • Testing – helicopters and simulators
  • Flight test certification
  • Program management
  • Human factors
  • Training analysis
  • Requirements development
  • Unmanned vehicle systems (UAS – UAV)

Product commercialization

GAC is also involved in assisting companies commercialize their products. By working closely with the highly trained aerospace technical and scientific personnel in Canada’s National Capital Region (NCR), GAC is now offering a Synthetic Mission Trainer (SMT) that is based on a product produced by the Canadian Defence Research and Development Corporation (DRDC), an R&D organization that is part of the Canadian Department of National Defence.

The SMT takes existing commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software and integrates them together in a novel way. For the first time, the simulation adds virtual threats to the training process, making it a more realistic learning experience. The trainees look through the door’s window into a simulated wide angle view of what can be seen outside. Advanced modeling and simulation techniques are used to computer-generate the environment outside the aircraft – day or night – during the flight. The SMT can operate over terrain models that represent anywhere that civil or military aircraft might fly. The training aircraft in the SMT can be flown by either a pilot in a flight simulator, the SMT instructor, or by computer control.

Missiles, gunfire, people, ground equipment, helicopters and fixed wing aircraft can be put into the scenario. When a threat or issue is detected, the simulated aircraft can deploy defensive measures and initiate manoeuvres in response to loadmaster/crew reports. A single trainee in the SMT-seat can experience and participate in several scenarios that represent real-world operational requirements. At the end of training, replays and measures of their performance help trainees assess and improve on their skills. This device is currently in use with the Canadian Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

Recent GAC activities

  • Built and offers an on-line night vision computer-based training program
  • Assisted a major offshore helicopter company to transition to night vision goggles (NVG) and establish a safe and effective night flying program
  • Currently working on the implementation of a helicopter head up display for the civil market
  • Working on developing iPad software applications for use in helicopters
  • Co-authored a paper on simulation for collective training
  • Assisted private aerospace company and DND in the development of processes to better streamline operations
  • Gladstone Aerospace was nominated in two separate categories and won a Silver Medal from the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce for Professional Services of the Year 2008

Delivering strength via collaborative partnerships

GAC offers a strategic approach towards business growth through collaborative partnerships with the three pillars of academia, industry and government, locally, nationally and internationally. These strategic partnerships can be leveraged for our clients enabling GAC to expand capabilities when/if required to support specific client requirements, facilitate knowledge and technology transfer and business growth.